Dee Jaye Bux
Dee Jaye Bux

Spanning across a career of 23 years in the DJ industry there is no genre unturned for Dee Jaye Bux. From Clubs, pubs, taverns, private, corporate, international artist to Dance, RnB, Pop, Rock, Country, Hick Hop, all forms of House music and anything that can be mixed Jaye will mix it. Working with songs from such artists as The Black Sorrows, Jimmy Barnes, John Farnham, Shannon Noll, Adam Brand, Travis Collins, Morgan Evans, Lee Kernaghan, Kip Moore, Lee Brice, Jon Pardi, Brett Eldridge, Tim McGraw, Luke Combs, Love & Theft, Kelsea Ballerini, Thirsty Merc just to name a few. Country and funky Dee Jaye Bux twisted remixes is the genre of choice and taking the listeners to a new level of country music makes an unforgettable night of Hoe-down Honky Tonk goodness.